Hello there, I’m Marilyn. I’m here to provide the authentic, relatable voice that your audience craves. With a blend of sincerity and empathy, I ensure that every performance resonates deeply with listeners, capturing their attention effortlessly. This is because I infuse each performance with my humanity, striving to connect with audiences on a profound level.
Drawing from years of experience, I bring a wealth of expertise to every project, whether it’s animation, video games, or commercials—all produced from my professional home studio.
A recent highlight in my career was voicing an adorable miniature pinscher in a popular Korean anime series. But my journey extends beyond anime, with notable contributions to HBO dubs and e-learning projects for brands such as Omaha Steaks and The University of Oregon.
Every person I’ve met, every opportunity I’ve been given, adds depth to my gratitude. And I can’t wait to welcome new faces into this ever-growing circle. Let’s bring your project to life with authenticity, empathy, and a touch of humanity.
Voice descriptor: American English Neutral Accent
Marilyn Ramos